April 23, 2024 • Radio Interview
“A world of musical forensics and pattern detection”

“I felt, you know, that swelling in your chest, the goosebumps on your arms, all of those things that make music really speak to you,” she said. […] But it’s not just love of the music that’s compelled Su to finish the project. She was also correcting what she considered a historical injustice.
—James Bennett II, The Culture Show, WGBH
April 11, 2024 • Article
“Living music, alive and whole”
Pianist and writer Sharon Su knows that feeling. “When you have experiences like that, it’s so often connected to very specific pieces of music” […] We’re taught to perform this way. It’s how the institution raises us. Su shared her memory of this training with me, and it felt deeply familiar.
—Thulasi Seshan, VAN Magazine

November 11, 2021 • Article

“A double-edged sword”
The fact of Wieck’s name recognition—as a musical personality, if not as a composer—is similarly fraught. “On one hand, she’s got this built-in recognition, but on the other hand, that recognition is flawed,” Su says.
—Sarah Fritz, VAN Magazine
August 9, 2021 • Podcast Interview
Interview: Sharon Su on Health and Humor
Emily Fransen of the “Welcome to My Nerd Brain” podcast interviews Sharon for Episode 41 about humor in classical music, the issue of “approachability,” and healthy practice methods.

June 1, 2021 • Article

“Part challenge, part encouragement”
“[P]ianist Sharon Su delivered a tart message […] to the tradition-bound world of classical music. […] I can’t necessarily give all the credit to Su — or to the coronavirus, for that matter — but one way or another, a lot of American orchestras have apparently decided that diversity in concert programming is an idea whose time has finally come.”
—Joshua Kosman, SF Chronicle
March 11, 2021 • Profile

An LA pianist’s fight against systemic bias
“I realized as COVID went on, that even though I love music, it is incredibly hard to keep going when you have absolutely no deadlines or events or reason to keep going,” she says. “The reason I went into performance is because I fell in love with being in the room, and giving people what they need in that moment.”
—Jessica Gelt, Los Angeles Times
October 17, 2020 • Video interview
Interview: Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Concerto
A video interview hosted by J. Andrés Ballesteros, featuring Sharon and composer Patricia Wallinga discussing Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel and their work on a commissioned project to turn a solo piano sonata into a piano concerto. Presented as part of the Eureka Ensemble’s virtual event, “We Shall Not Be Denied.”
July 30, 2020 • Interview
Sharon Su on “Meet the Artist”
An in-depth interview with Fran Wilson about Sharon’s career, influences, and her personal definition of success.
July 22, 2020 • Video Interview
Sharon Su on Louise Farrenc

An in-depth interview on Episode 2 of the DUOS podcast with Cullan Lucas, featuring a discussion of Sharon’s musical journey, Louise Farrenc’s story, and the process of discovering and falling in love with new music.
May 16, 2020 • Article
Revisionist History: Bernstein at the Berlin Wall
“[T]his presages what pianist Sharon Su would write nearly 50 years later in the lead-up to Beethoven’s 250th celebrations[.]”
— Olivia Giovetti, Undone
February 27, 2020 • Press
“Infinitely more interesting than the trolls”

“[P]ianist Sharon Su‘s blog post on “Sunglassesgate,” which focused less on what led to the controversy and more on the suffocating, impossible expectations of how female pianists should and shouldn’t dress on stage.”
— The National Sawdust Log Newsletter
December 19, 2019 • Press
“The Beethoven Mega-Thread you didn’t know you needed”
“Pianist Sharon Su unleashed a viral thread on Beethoven this week that you should definitely read. She gives an accounting of his history both deeply researched and highly approachable… and funny!”
— The National Sawdust Log Newsletter

November 22, 2019 • Radio Feature
Recording of the week

Praise for Sharon’s recording of the Clara Schumann G Minor Sonata, The Daffodil Perspective‘s recording of the week: “Sharon Su brings a wonderful new vivacity to the piece, playing with breathtaking clarity and passion.”
November 21, 2019 • Press
“Clara triumphed—but don’t miss the point”
“[N]oted Clara Schumann performer Sharon Su remarked in a post she shared that objective greatness is itself a problematic construct[.]”
— The National Sawdust Log Newsletter
May 31, 2019 • Radio Interview
Interview with Sharon Su about Clara Schumann’s G Minor Sonata

An interview with Gaylord Fischer on his KKUP show, “Jewels and Binoculars.”